“The Skeptic”
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Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
If you are interested in finding out what is really true, then you just might be interested in – “The Skeptic”.
This is my plug for the non-profit ad free UK based @TheSkepticMag
online portal.
New Study in Nature Climate Change reveals that the transport of ocean heat into the northern seas and the Arctic has increased dramatically.
Fox News Republicans are a separate demographic. They are literally batshit crazy radicals when compared to normal Republicans. #FakeNews
This is a selection of the stupidity from the past week that emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
QAnon is basically the result of inequality, pandemic, climate and general dystopia driving lots of people over the edge and into a delusion.
New study reveals that the Greenland ice sheet is very likely to start melting at rates that we haven’t seen for at least 130,000 years.