Greenland rapidly changing from snowcone to popsicle
New Study reveals that ice slabs on Greenland ice sheet are growing. This has huge implications for melt runoff and sea level projections.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
New Study reveals that ice slabs on Greenland ice sheet are growing. This has huge implications for melt runoff and sea level projections.
It is very human for many of us to worry about things in our daily lives such as job prospects, relationships, and political concerns. Why should we also worry about climate change when the impacts from it are centuries away? Yes, sea level is rising, and that rise is accelerating … but it is only … Read more
You might have seen a few media stories about the latest Loch Ness monster hunt resulting in a claim that it just might have been a giant eel. It was global – the story ran in the Guardian, the BBC and USA Today. Well yes, welcome to the monster factor; any mention of Loch Ness and monsters is like … Read more
What is a trollbot, and what are they currently being deployed to do on social media platforms? How can we actually see what is happening?
New CBS News Poll reveals that the majority think that climate change is quite real and also are willing to take meaningful action.
What is truly fascinating is that when faced with the various pronouncements, claims, and assertions that the wingnut clan continues to promote, there is no need to do anything except to simply quote their own words. It is all so bizarre, absurd, and utterly daft, that any attempt at satire or mockery would be pointless … Read more