Flat-Earth vs Creationism
A Young-Earth creationist from Answers in Genesis has unintentially written a very articulate criticism of Young-Earth Creationism.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
A Young-Earth creationist from Answers in Genesis has unintentially written a very articulate criticism of Young-Earth Creationism.
The latest “State of the Climate” has been released by the AMS. CO2 levels are still increasing and so the warming trend continues upwards.
Yet again the BBC has been publishing a warning to anybody who will listen about the Cup and Ball scam. It looks like a harmless bit of fun. Some guy has 3 cups on the ground and all you need to do is to bet on which one the ball is under after he has … Read more
Is the legal banning of quackery a Freedom of Speech issue? It seems like a question with an obvious answer. It is also of interest because it was recently tested by a federal court. The specific case concerned Nutritionist Heather Del Castillo. The whisper was that she practising without a license and so the state … Read more
When considering the weird news items I come across, I’m often tempted to think “Nobody could possibly be that stupid, it just must all be satire or a joke“, and then up pop items from people who time after time prove me to be quite wrong about that. I guess I do need to come … Read more
Sometimes when something that is so improbable and outlandish happens we might be tempted to conclude that a supernatural event has taken place. “It can be the only explanation” we might think, because the odds of it actually happening by chance are simply too great for it to have been a coincidence. I have a … Read more