Climate Change and Human Rights
A new UNHCR report on the impact of climate change, highlights how it will make extreme poverty a lot worse in the decades to come.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
A new UNHCR report on the impact of climate change, highlights how it will make extreme poverty a lot worse in the decades to come.
Over on Science Based Medicine Steve Novella highlights a bit of radioactive quackery that has popped up. His source is an article from Thailand. There officials have discovered and pulled the plug on a scam that involved selling people an ‘energy card’ that you buy to supposedly … “improve the immune system, strengthen the heart … Read more
Today I have 2 updates: A pointer to major funders of anti-vaccine movement, a debunking of 6 common myths from WHO
The one item of very good news this week is the Sarah Sanders announced that she is stepping down on 30th June. This of course is the lady who took weird to a new level by saying that she “hopes to be remembered for being “transparent and honest”. She will in fact be remembered as … Read more
The news is that a Christian Group launched a petition to ban “Good Omens”. Unfortunately for them then completely screwed it up.
Today is #ShowYourStripes day. What exacctly is this all about, who started it, why is it a thing, and where did it come from?