Updates from the Alex Jones Trial
Latest updates on the defamation lawsuit by the Sandy Hook parents against Alex Jones for peddling conspiracies are quite frankly bizarre.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Latest updates on the defamation lawsuit by the Sandy Hook parents against Alex Jones for peddling conspiracies are quite frankly bizarre.
The FBI has released some records of an analysis they did on Bigfoot hair samples in 1976, why did they do this and what did they find?
There has been a rapid melt event in Greenland. This unprecedented event this early in the melt season exceeds climate model predictions.
About one year ago cartoonist Rob Rogers was fired by the @PittsburghPG for the “crime” of daring to draw editorial cartoons that mocked Trump. The above is an example of one of his pieces that was deemed to be too offensive. This was after a long 25 year career. His criticism was not simply fiction, … Read more
The new 2019 Digital News Report contains vast amounts of detail. It is global in scope and highlights the latest trends.
Naturopathic cancer quack Colleen Huber attempted to silence criticism of her practices by suing Britt Hermes. Latest update is that Huber has lost and Britt has won.