Why is North Dakota Rep Brandon Prichard Tweeting crazy stuff?

There is the “Wait, he just tweeted what” category, and then there is a whole new advanced level beyond it that North Dakota Rep Brandon Prichard has decided is his own personal domain of religiously inspired lunacy. All who are active on twitter will most probably at some point tweet something crassly stupid. When others … Read more

Weird Poll Claim: “Trump is a man of faith”

So this piece of utterly bizarre weirdness popped up … Yes, they really do indeed mean “Trump”, not some other devout individual who just happens to be unfortunately stuck with the same name. This is the same Trump, who behind closed doors says stuff like the following when faced with pastors clamouring to lay hands … Read more

Did Jesus Die for the Laysan Albatross?

This might start out as something that comes across as a normal average wildlife article, so I better warn you, there is a rather surprising twist coming up. Back in prehistoric March 2007, the then First lady Barbara Bush gave a talk while visiting Hawaii. The occasion was notable because she was sharing her remarks … Read more