New Study: Global Warming is Messing with the Jet Streams

jet stream

Freak weather has perhaps always been an aspect of weather, and yet the freakiness of the weather is clearly becoming a tad more common. To be specific droughts, floods and heatwaves are becoming more common. Why is it like this? The answer rests with the behaviour of the jet streams. Circling the globe are rivers … Read more

New Research finds huge buildup of heat in oceans


New research reveals that we do not have as much time as we previously though we had. The study published in Nature lays out the evidence for Earth’s oceans soaking up about 60% more heat that had been previously estimated. Let’s take a look. Quantification of ocean heat uptake from changes in atmospheric O2 and … Read more

WWF Living Planet Report – Massive decline in the size of populations

living planet report

The World Wildlife Fund, the world’s largest conservation organization with over five million supporters, has published its 2018 Living Planet Report. It is quite frankly very dire reading and that has resulted in the media picking up the story and highlighting it … BBC: WWF report: Mass wildlife loss caused by human consumption CNN: This is the ‘last … Read more

The 2018 Freedom of Thought Report is now available

freedom of thought

Each year the IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union) publishes a very comprehensive report that contains a worldwide survey of discrimination and persecution against humanists, atheists and the non-religious. In other words, it points the finger at nations that deem not believing ancient myths and fantasies to be a crime. It is quite frankly shocking that … Read more

Irish Blasphemy is now legal

The news from Ireland last weekend is not just good, it is excellent. Nestled amongst the details are two truly outstanding results. One is the presidential election, and the other concerns blasphemy. A progressive candidate was reelected by a landslide as President of Ireland The absurd Blasphemy law has been officially obliterated from the Irish … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

weird religious news

When it comes to the weekly dose of weird religious news, there is one common thread that consistently persists – the right-wing Religious are consistently looking you in the eye as they rather blatantly lie and promote it all as “Truth”. This is not specifically a religious thing, but rather is more of an extreme … Read more