Wolves and Monkeys collaborate – Become Hunting buddies


This has popped into the news recently, but actually goes back about three years to 2015. As an echo our our relationship with wolves roughly about 40,000 years ago a band of Monkeys were observed to be forging an alliance with some wolves in Ethiopia. The Study: Solitary Ethiopian wolves increase predation success on rodents when … Read more

Study: Climate Change is threatening our History


Chris Mooney and Brady Dennis, writing in the Washington Post, illustrate the reality of the flooding threat from rising seas. They open with a description that lays it out in rather stark terms … The old city of Dubrovnik, clinging to the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea, is one major storm away from a flood … Read more

How to Change Minds – A Street Epistemology Inspired Video

Street Epistemology

I would argue that effective meaningful communication is itself both an art and a craft, so it is perhaps wholly appropriate for an artist to create something that does just that. What is the Story Here? Back in 2017, Artist Rebecca Fox and also Street Epistemologist Anthony Magnabosco had display tables at the QEDCon conference in Manchester … Read more

What is the Dietary Supplements fuss all about?


While attending the QEDcon conference in Manchester last weekend, I was approached by one chap who handed me his mobile saying “Oh my God have you see this?“. It was this story from CNN … Nearly 800 dietary supplements sold over the counter from 2007 through 2016 contained unapproved drug ingredients, a new analysis of … Read more

New multi-sensory Illusions from CalTech


First, let’s go directly to the new illusions. Once you have personally experienced it we can then dig down into what is going on here. Just play the clip and follow the instructions as it proceeds … The Explanation The Caltech researchers have developed these two new illusions to reveal that your senses can influence … Read more

How common are “new age” beliefs?

new age

First let’s define what the term “new age belief” means. It is basically a catch-all term that involves a belief in non-traditional supernatural claims such as reincarnation, astrology, psychics and the presence of spiritual energy in physical objects like mountains or trees. The term “New Age” harks back to the 1970s movements that embraced such ideas … Read more