Weekly Weird Religious News

Bill Hybels weekly weird religious news

Within some of the the circles of deeply held belief there are human attributes that remain both constant and persistent. Terms such  “new heart”, and “born-again”, are issued, along with testimony that asserts a new better life is supposedly on offer. Over time what become apparent is that what truly persists and prevails is not … Read more

New Research: 7 in 10 young people in the UK are non-religious

A new study that explores Europe’s Young Adults and Religion has been published by academics from St Mary’s University, Twickenham and the Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP) reveals levels of religious affiliation and practice amongst 16-29 year-olds in 22 European countries. You can download it in either English or French from here –Young Adults and Religion. It … Read more

John Oliver and #MarlonBundo goes viral

So the story here is that Mike Pence, the vocally anti gay rights VP, is backing a children’s story written by his daughter about his pet rabbit Marlon Bundo. John Oliver’s team wrote and published a similar book with a similar look and feel, but in their case Marlon Bundo is a gay rabbit. Proceeds from … Read more

Homeopathy cancer paper withdrawn, lead authors arrested

Homeopathy is having a very bad week. Given the observation that there is no credible evidence that verifies that it actually works, then this is not a surprise. This week there have been two Homeopathy items that have popped up in the news cycle. Let’s briefly cover each in turn. The UK’s National Health Service is … Read more

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