Does “Ultra Processed” food really cause cancer?

Ultra Processed

Various  reputable media outlets are reporting the news that a study has been published that links the consumption of “Ultra processed” foods to cancer. For example … BBC – Ultra-processed foods ‘linked to cancer’ The Guardian – Ultra-processed foods may be linked to cancer, says study Even the UK’s National Health Service has published guidance – Ultra-processed foods … Read more

Is Intelligent Design scientific?

Intelligent Design is the idea that life as we know it was designed and that evolution is a myth. It is essentially creationism dressed up to sound sciency and so the claim is presented without all the religious terminology. This topic has popped up because the Discovery Institute, the primary promoters of the idea, have … Read more

Spring is in the air, it is getting warmer – #Climate

Sometimes a few pictures is a more powerful statement than many pages of words. The UK’s Guardian has a callout here for readers to send in pictures of any early signs of spring in the UK. What came back was published a few days ago last Tuesday (13th Feb) … ‘A first in my 60 years’: … Read more

Satellite observations confirm sea level rise is accelerating

There is a new study that presents yet more evidence that sea level is not only rising, but that the observed rate of that rise is accelerating. It is entitled, “Climate-change–driven accelerated sea-level rise detected in the altimeter era“, and has been published this week within the Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences. Quick … Read more

Skyrocketing Atheism Seen Among America’s Teens

The source for Today’s news comes, not from an impartial poll, but rather is sourced from a poll by Barna, an evangelical Christian polling firm based in Ventura, California. To be honest, given their specific bias, I’d be inclined to take any polling results they might advance on any topic, no matter how much I … Read more

Debunking 5 common Darwin myths – #DarwinDay

Today is officially International Darwin day. No seriously, it really is, I’m not making that up, the 12th February is officially Darwin day. It was chosen because Charles Darwin was born on 12th February 1809, and so it is celebrated all around the world today. Celebrating the life and works of Charles Darwin goes right … Read more

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