Flordia Psychic found guilty of fraud and sent to jail

First the basics – there are no psychic powers Before we start, let’s clarify one very important point … Nobody has “Psychic” powers, they do not exist and have never been successfully demonstrated under controlled conditions. Or to put that another way … they are all frauds … no exceptions. Ah but it is not … Read more

The Salvation Army and the “Gays Need to Be Put to Death” comment – what really happened.

The Salvation Army is of course a group that embraces traditional Christian views, but we all know that. In fact, they have a rather good public image because their mission is to help the poor, destitute and hungry by meeting both their “physical and spiritual needs”. I’m not so sure about the “spiritual” bit, that is … Read more

Claim: “Proof of aliens” from a real professor at a real university.

The headlines have of course been popping up … Aliens do exist and have been found living in the clouds above the Peak District – Telegraph Balloon sent to edge of atmosphere picks up organisms ‘that can only have come from space’ – Daily Mail OK, so have they actually discovered “alien organisms”? Short answer … Read more

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