Virtual Zooarchaeology of the Arctic being created by Fairbanks university

While on the road in Alaska one little project I tripped over was the creation of a virtual zoo of bones or Virtual Zooarchaeology as they called it. Herb Maschner and a team of researchers are busy creating an online database of bones from every known Arctic bird, mammal and fish. So when something interesting is found, … Read more

Daft Claim: vi-aqua is a Device that makes water wetter and increases the output of vegetables and fruits by up to 30 per cent

The Irish Independent ran a story a couple of days ago that makes some rather outrageous claims … A GROUNDBREAKING new Irish technology which could be the greatest breakthrough in agriculture since the plough is set to change the face of modern farming forever. It is talking about a product called Vi-Aqua that has been … Read more

Journey to the North Pole

As part of my 6,000 mile road trip to Alaska I managed to drop in on the North Pole …. no, not “the” geographical north pole, but rather a town 12 miles south of Fairbanks named “North Pole”. It is rather hard to avoid it, anybody heading to Fairbanks from the Alaska Highway or Valdez must drive through it. So … Read more

The Brain Drain in Spain: Open letter to the Spanish prime minister reveals a rather dire climate for researchers

Over at Pharyngula, PZ writes about the brain drain and how bad things are in the US … The brain drain is beginning. Nearly 20% of American scientists would like to get out of this country. New data compiled by a coalition of top scientific and medical research groups show that a large majority of scientists … Read more

Road to Alaska – 6,000 miles later

OK, I’m back and so normal service will now be resumed. Did I really drive 6,000 miles? Nope, it was 6,471 miles to be precise. I really wish I’d had a camera handy to capture the look on the face of the guy at the hire car company when he totted up the miles and … Read more

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