Mugabe Threatens To Behead Gay Citizens … but also faces open criticism from Baba Jukwa

Robert Mugabe, the self-appointed president of Zimbabwe has threatened to behead Citizens for the “crime” of being gay. The HuffPo reports … Speaking on Tuesday at a rally at the Aerodrome Grounds in Mutare, Mugabe described LGBT people as “worse than pigs, goats and birds” and threatened to behead them, according to NewsDay. “If you take men … Read more

Social media can be a weapon of destruction or even self-destruction

Social media can be quite destructive to those that attempt to utilize it as a weapon and can often have unintended consequences. Wired has a very interesting article that gives a great example of this. It opens by explaining a sequence of events that took place at a conference … Earlier this year, at a … Read more

The 10 Minute Islamic Marriage

The BBC has an interesting little article all about temporary Islamic marriages, or to be more precise, temporary short term marriage as practised within Shia Islam called Nikāḥ al-Mutʿah; that’s Arabic for “pleasure marriage”, and that name perhaps gives you an insight into what this is really all about. The BBC article takes the following line … … Read more

#royalbaby overload

Why oh why have vast swathes of the UK population gone quite frankly nuts? As an acknowledgement of this new reality, the BBC is offering wall-to-wall coverage of what is essentially no news at all. OK, this is hard to type, so lets get it out … I confess, I’m a republican … (shudders, did … Read more

12 year old Egyptian has a few home truths to say – this is the real Egypt

The tale of the “Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Andersen is all about two weavers who promise an Emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new “clothes” nobody dares say the rather obvious truth, and then a child cries … Read more