Attempt to live on Just Light fails – Not really a surprise for most of us

Naveena Shine, (yes that really is her name), has attempted to go for 100 days without eating to prove that humans can “live on light”. Seriously! Yes indeed, she believes that it is possible for human beings to survive without food and so conducted what she described as an experiment to prove it. So how did it … Read more

Egypt needs a revolution

Thomas L Friedman, the Pulitzer prize winning American journalist, columnist and author who writes a twice-weekly column for The New York Times has a few things to say about Egypt, not from the comfort of his own plush office in that city, but on the ground in Egypt, because he went to find out what … Read more

Irish Taoiseach says he has been branded a ‘murderer’ for his stance on Abortion

The Irish Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, explains to the Irish Parliament that … “I am now being branded by personnel around the country as being a murderer. I’m going to have on my soul the death of 20 million babies. I’m getting medals, scapulars, plastic foetuses, letters written in blood, telephone calls all over the system and it’s not … Read more

If Prayer works, then the UK Royals should be the most healthy people on the planet

Does prayer really work? The Health of The British Royal Family Within the UK, the official head of the Church of England is also the current royal monarch. Because the Bible encourages Christians to pray for those in leadership roles, each and every week millions of devout Anglicans have formally beseeched their deity to ensure … Read more

13 year old schoolgirl gang raped by four men; her village classed her as a “black virgin” and ordered her killed.

At the age of 13 in 2007 Kainat Soomro, was brutally gang raped by four men from her village in Pakistan as she walked home from school. Since then she has drawn international attention because of her refusal to accept it all and be silent and has instead been steadfast in her determination to obtain justice against her … Read more