The “Certainty of Faith” vs “Skepticism”

The beating heart of modern science is skepticism, or to be more precise, Scientific Skepticism. This essentially means that when presented with a claim, is it not simply accepted, no matter who said it or how profound it might be, but instead you challenge the idea and ask if there is verifiable evidence that confirms it. This … Read more

Claim: “Proof that God is Real” from Zakir Naik … er no, not really.

Zakir Naik

I was presented with some “Proof that God is real” by a Muslim eager to convert me. So what did this “proof” consist of? If was a YouTube clip by a well-known Islamic apologist called Dr. Zakir Naik. If you are familiar with him, then this is the point at which you face-palm, because this guy … Read more

Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party queen, has quit … yea.

Michele Bachmann has announced that she will not run for re-election in 2014 (phew), perhaps because she has enough sense to grasp that her chances of getting re-elected are more or less zero, or perhaps it just might be due to a widening investigation into her campaign spending. She claims … “I fully anticipate the mainstream liberal … Read more

Pell #AbuseInquiry

Warning: Today I’m off on a bit of a rant, so if factual disclosures of what some cretinous lunatics have been doing leaves you feeling a tad queasy, then you might want to skip the rest. Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s top Catholic, went before an abuse inquiry to answer some questions, can you possibly guess why?  He was speaking … Read more