Today 15 May is International Imad Day

22 year old Imad Iddine Habib founded the Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco. That is a first, a public atheist organisation in a country with Islam as the state religion, and as you most probably anticipate, the religion of ‘peace’and ‘tolerance’ strikes back,  he has received numerous threats. He is now on the run and hiding from the police, … Read more

“Atheist Muslim” – Is that as meaningless as “meat-eating vegetarian”?

Ali A. Rizvi, the Pakistani-Canadian writer, physician, and musician who resides in Toronto, has been writing in the HuffPo once again. Not too long ago he wrote a great article about the term “Islamophobia” where he drew a clear line between criticism of Islam and anti-Muslim bigotry: the first is fact-based criticism of bad ideas, … Read more

Catholic cardinal declares a boycott: I’d personally be embarrassed if he turned up

The Irish premier, Enda Kenny, who leads the Fine Gael-Labour coalition in Ireland that currently holds the seat of power in Ireland, is off on a visit to Boston College to address graduates at the 137th annual Boston College Commencement Exercises on 20 May. In response to this official engagement an American Catholic cardinal, Sean O’Malley, has said he … Read more

400 ppm …. yikes!

400 ppm is an artificial milestone of course, and yet perhaps also a significant one. We are apparently travelled back in time to the Pliocene, a time roughly 3 million years ago when the earth was a lot warmer and sea level was a lot higher. The global average temperature in the mid-Pliocene was 2-3°C higher than today, and global sea level was a lot … Read more