Pew Research … Most Muslims want Sharia law… but nobody agrees on what that is.

A Pew Research survey entitled “The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society” polled 38,000 Muslims across 39 countries, and shows that the majority favour the implementation of sharia law. However, there is one very important fact that can also be demonstrated from this same survey,and while is something that is already known to those familiar with the … Read more

God loves you … oh and he also needs your money, all of it … urgently.

Televangelist Benny Hinn has asked supporters of his ministry for $2.5 million in donations, which he says an anonymous donor will match dollar by dollar to help him get out of debt (yea right). OK, so lets see if I have this right … the guy who pushes the “Prosperity Gospel”, the belief that his imaginary … Read more

The Unbelievers …

Monday was the world premiere for “The Unbelievers“, a documentary that follows evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss as they travel the world promoting the importance of science and reason in the modern world. Here is the trailer … OK, its out, so how did it go, was it well received or … Read more

Islamic Violence … Even the excuses don’t withstand critcism

A sadly common pattern is that those that perpetuate violence in the name of Islam often tout US foreign policy as a form of justification. Well, Thomas L. Friedman, a journalist, columnist and author, has written a piece that effectively demolishes this myth. Mr Friedman is no isolated and inexperienced hack issuing bulletins from an ivory tower, he lived in Beirut … Read more

UKIP, a Pro-gay forwarding thinking political party? …. er … no not really.

John Sullivan, a UKIP party candidate, up for election this coming thursday, has made a series of anti-gay Facebook comments, including congratulating Russia for banning gay Pride, and comparing gays to termites. This of course is the same guy who also asserts that feminism is evil. Well, he has now suggested that Victorian style regular physical exercise … Read more