Vaccines save lives … anti-vaccine beliefs kill.

25 year old Gareth Williams has become the first person with measles to die in the latest Swansea outbreak. So why in the 21st century, an age of highly effective vaccines, do we now once again have an outbreak of a very preventable highly infectious disease? It is all down to one man, Andrew Wakefield, the disgraced Doctor who was struck … Read more

The Honest Liar

Jamy Ian Swiss uses the term “The Honest Liar” to describe himself, so what exactly is he on about? Well, the term is wholly appropriate and accurate because he is in fact a world renowned sleight of hand performer who specializes in close-up card magic, in other words his full-time career is to fool you. The deal is that … Read more

Buddhism: Violent and racist?

There exists a complete gobshite in Burma called Wirathu. This lunatic is a Buddhist monk who has been inciting, almost single handedly, a rising tide of violence … The saffron-robed 45-year-old regularly shares his hate-filled rants through DVD and social media, in which he warns against Muslims who “target innocent young Burmese girls and rape … Read more

Live demonstration of Psychic Powers

Not too long ago I found myself sitting in a meeting in Dublin within which the Paranormal was being “successfully” demonstrated. Well-known paranormal investigator Richard Saunders announced, “ I’m smelling tobacco, specifically a pipe smoker, it is definitely coming through for somebody here”. It’s a hit, my father who passed away was a pipe smoker. … Read more

“Islamophobia” – What is wrong with this term?

The word “Islamophobia” is defined as a prejudice against, hatred towards, or irrational fear of Muslims, and as a definition that is fine. The problem however is that is not how the term is actually deployed. Instead of being a word used to criticise an irrational emotional bias, akin to say racism or xenophobia, it is instead being … Read more