Tips and God’s 10%

This one has gone a bit viral in some quarters so you might (or might not) have come across it. The core story is that a pastor stiffed a server in a restaurant by writing on the bill, “I give God 10%, why should you get 18%” and left no tip at all.  So far … Read more

Why is Religion Popular?

There can be no doubt that religion is popular, it has dominated humans through the ages and inspired and moved many. What is also rather odd is that it consists of a belief in things for which there is exactly zero evidence, and yet the belief is still embraced with passion and a degree of … Read more

The Murder of five year old Lama al-Ghamdi in Saudi Arabia

Pictured here is Lama al-Ghamdi, she is five years old and was brutally raped and then murdered by an Islamic cleric who also happened to be her father. It was a truly horrendous crime … Randa Al Kaleeb, a social worker from the hospital, said in a phone interview that Lama’s back was broken as well and that … Read more

Another busy year for One Law for All

Many thanks to Maryam for her kind permission to publish her letter below … ——————————— Dear Friend, It has been another busy year for One Law for All <> and we thank you as always for your support – without which, our vital work would not be possible. We are particularly grateful to our 100 Club … Read more

Accelerated Christian Education sounds OK, but is complete bullshit

Jonny Scaramanga, an ex-fundamentalist, writes in the Guardian about some of the completely crazy things being promoted by Accelerated Christian Education. This is a Bible belt based group  that promotes religious indoctrination under the banner of “education”, and consists of a biblical literalist agenda. The specific concern here is that they not only have 3,000 Schools in the US … Read more