Flat Earth: Sometimes there really is no middle ground

A dialogue between two different views might imply that they can meet somewhere in the middle, but sadly that is not how reality works, quite often one side is simply wrong … period. I’m thinking about God claims, belief vs non-belief, but this applies to many other topics as well. To examine this thought let … Read more

Weirdest Claim ever: “Militant Atheist Terrorists blow up building containing Creationism books”

A chap called Kamrul Hassan, a Religious fanatic,  arrives in a Facebook group and posts a Video clip as follows: The text claims: The local authorities have caught a group of Darwinist Atheist terrorist who were responisble for blowing up this building in USA. As per police reports the building was being used as a warehouse … Read more

Building your very own Universe

A new computational model that can accurately follow the birth and evolution of thousands of galaxies over billions of years has been developed by a collaboration between the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies(HITS). We have now reaching a point where there is enough computing power available to build a model of an entire universe … Read more

The real Islamic crisis in Burma

Not too long ago there were reports circulating on social media of a massacre of Muslims in Burma. As proof, photos were available … slight flaw, the claims being made were fake. An examination of the photos soon revealed them to be fake, and to have been images of events that took place in different … Read more

The First Color Panorama from Mars by Curiosity

OK yes, I’m a bit late to the game with this one, it has been around for some time … but this is MARS, I just had to do it. This is indeed a strange gravelly place with a large mountain in the distance. Curiosity has landed on target near the edge of 150-km wide Gale Crater, with Mount Sharp on the horizon being the … Read more