Church sues ex-members – They had a blog criticizing their practices

Today’s bit of religious insanity comes from a church pastor in Beaverton, Oregon. He is suing a mother and daughter for $500,000 because they gave the church — Beaverton Grace Bible Church — bad reviews online. Yikes!! Apparently the ex-members wrote negative Google reviews on-line, but they mysteriously vanished. One might wonder if God was … Read more

If you’re so keen on traditional marriage, make sure you know what the traditions of marriage actually are

Nice article in the Telegraph today …Tom Chivers, their assistant comment editor points out that the folks who are stongly pushing the “traditional” marriage viewpoint might not appreciate what rests within the scope of that tradition. For example, we have Mitt Romney pushing the tradition of marriage being one man and one woman, yet … … … Read more

9/11 Truthers – Debunked by the BBC confronting them with the facts on a road trip

The BBC took five 9/11 Truthers on a road trip and confronted them with the facts. They were each told to present the claim that they felt convinced them. In response, they were then introduced to the appropriate subject matter experts who proceeded to debunk the claim. So what actually happened and did any of … Read more

Psychopathy linked to physical brain abnormalities

Researchers at King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry (IoP) have published a study that confirms that psychopathy is a distinct neuro-developmental sub-group of anti-social personality disorder (ASPD). Here is a quick summary … Objective  To identify structural gray matter (GM) differences between persistent violent offenders who meet criteria for antisocial personality disorder and the syndrome of psychopathy (ASPD+P) … Read more

quantum reality?

Whenever you see the word “quantum”, if the topic under discussion is not physics, you can ignore it. Well in this case the topic is indeed Physics. There is a controversial paper in Nature Physics, where some theorists claim that they can prove that wavefunctions — the entity that determines the probability of different outcomes of … Read more