Conversion: Mike Tyson

Believers often hold up famous folks who have embraced their specific belief as a form of celebrity endorsement, and one such recent example I have come across are Muslims being rather proud that Mike Tyson is one of them. OK, so lets look at the facts. Tyson was famously convicted of the rape of 18-year-old Desiree … Read more

Latest Research: Chiropractic manipulation of the spine may cause strokes and even death

Anybody who has been hanging out in the skeptic landscape knows about Chiropractors vs Simon Singh. For those that don’t here is a brief summary … Simon Singh, the UK based science writer wrote an article – “Beware the Spinal Trap” in which he was critical of the practice of chiropractors. Basically … bad back perhaps, but … Read more

Making science and engineering cool – Inspiring the next generation

Oh now this is interesting, MIT has launched an initiative in collaboration with Khan Academy founder Salman Khan called MIT+K12. OK, you know about MIT right, but who is Salman Khan? Mr Khan is a chap who has set up a free online education platform and nonprofit organization called the Khan Academy. It contains over 3100 videos … Read more

Crazy Beliefs: Breatharianism

There are plenty of folks who embrace truly bizarre ideas, but some of these concepts are just so decoupled from reality you just cannot grasp how such a belief was ever embraced as a good idea by anybody at all. One example of this is Breatharianism. This is where individuals believe that they do not … Read more

Open Access to Scientific papers … the pressure is growing

The academic rebellion initiated by Cambridge mathematician Tim Gowers is growing in strength. First a bit of context. The Victorian model of academic publishing has become obsolete because of the Internet and so historical momentum is the only reason these publishers continue to own and profit from researchers’ copyrights, review work and editorial efforts. If … Read more

Religious attempts at Shifting the Burden of Proof

It is interesting to observe how thoughts tend to ripple into communities, but perhaps not a surprise. As various groups interact and meet on the Internet, ideas are debated; the result …some proposals are rapidly quashed while others survive and so take root and often get repeated. Perhaps what we are seeing is akin to … Read more