Magic Pill Awareness week

Apparently April 10-16 was World Homeopathy Awareness Week. Hey, I’m all for that, I just love the idea of folks become more aware of Homeopathy and what it is “really” all about. Now, before we get into the latest news, let me be blunt and direct … it does not work. Homeopathy’s efficacy is unsupported … Read more

Coping with “Crazy”

I’ve been having an on-line debate with an Islamic Creationist today, and as you might expect, it’s the usual bat-shit crazy stuff. After pointing out that 99.98% of scientists accept evolution as a well-established fact, you find such a reality does not in any way initiate any pause for thought, but instead results in statements … Read more

The Grafton Street rebellion

Sitting at the end of Dublin’s southbound Luas line, running north off St Stephens Green towards Trinity, you will find that mecca for all Irish shoppers … Grafton Street. If you have ever played the Irish version of Monopoly, the one with Dublin streets, then you should recognize the name, for this is the street … Read more

Dublin Skeptics

As I set off last night with my 11 year old I was asked, “Where are you off to then?”. I replied, “Oh, I’m taking Sally-Ann on a pub crawl”. “Oh ha ha, OK then”, and so off we went, leaving all behind quite oblivious to the fact that this was exactly what I was … Read more

Homophobic Bus Ads … It is offensive, the claims are wrong, but they should not be banned? No.

A group of Christian nuts in the UK called the Core Issues Trust believe that “homoerotic behaviour is sinful” and also claim  you can cure homosexual urges; pray the gay away, etc. It is a daft claim, you can’t, both the American Psychiatric Association and also the UK’s Royal College of Psychiatrists confirm that. These … Read more

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