‘Honour’ crimes against women in UK rising rapidly

Today’s UK Guardian has a truly tragic story by Rachel Williams. The numbers now available reveal a horrendous rise of 47% in ‘honor’ crimes within the UK. Incidentally, that name ‘honor’ is not at all appropriate, what honor is there in any of this; dispensing violence and intimidation using your own hands upon your own … Read more

Kate Smurthwaite spells it out …

Now here is a YouTube clip you might enjoy … Kate Smurthwaite, a stand-up comic and political activist, finds herself in an audience full of folks touting belief and have exactly zero evidence, so she spells it out for them. The punch line comes at the end (its only a 76 second clip) …

Burzynski Quackery … some updates, and some good news.

I’ve a few Burzynski quackery updates for you. First is the news that Rhys Morgan, the 17-year-old skeptical blogger, has an article published in today’s UK Guardian (now that is impressive). He writes  about the details behind the Burzynski saga and then finishes with a very good quote that nails it … “[Plaintiffs] cannot, by simply … Read more

Burzynski clinic’s quackery

Andy Lewis of Quackometer wrote a great article here exposing how the Burzynski clinic are scamming parents desperate for a cure for critically ill children … in that article he raised some very valid concerns … Burzynski is a ‘lone genius’. Great scientific medical cures rarely stem from single individuals. They are the result of … Read more