Claim: Global temperature rise could exceed “safe” levels of two degrees in our lifetimes

Reuters reports (here today) that Two research papers, supposedly published in the journal Nature, have warned that the global temperature rise could exceed “safe” levels of two degrees Celsius in some parts of the world in many of our lifetimes if greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase. It sounds credible, it sounds believable, it also … Read more

Contrary Evidence To Evolution And Global Warming?

Following last month’s Glasgow Skeptics talk, “Evolution and Global Warming Denial: How the Public is Misled”, by NCSE (National Centre for Science Education) Executive Director Dr Eugenie Scott, ID proponent Dr Alastair Noble has used his website, The Centre For Intelligent Design (never to be confused with The Centre For Unintelligent Design!), to take issue … Read more

Clergy who stop believing – what can they do, what should they do, what do they do?

The good news regarding the launch of the Clergy Project project has prompted me to write this. I’ll come to the details later, but first lets put this in context. Most clerics (pastors, priests, monks, nuns etc…), within religious groups, probably entered the vocation because they truly believed and were perhaps sure that God was … Read more