Neutrino Transformation Could Help Explain Mystery of Matter

Cool story in Wired today … Two research teams have found new evidence of transformations in elusive elementary particles called neutrinos. The findings may finally help explain why the universe didn’t vanish shortly after its birth. “These results are just the beginning of the story for neutrinos,” said physicist Robert Plunkett of Fermilab in Chicago. … Read more

Islamic Sex Slaves!!!

I suspect many sites that thrive on the creation of satire must truly struggle when it comes to Islam … not because they fear the death threats, but rather because the actual claims made are so bizarre and morally outrageous, that it is almost impossible to distinguish satire and the real belief. To illustrate what … Read more

Blasphemy In Ireland

Padraig Reidy wrote an article is Friday’s UK Guardian about Ireland’s poisonous blasphemy debate. Being Irish born and bred myself, I’m chipping in with a few additional comments of my own.

The context of the article is the latest challenge to the utterly insane blasphemy laws that still currently stand in Ireland. As an aside, what the heck does blasphemy actually mean, especially in the context of every religious belief being blasphemy to every other shade of religious belief, it truly is stupidity incarnate. If pursued to its logical end then they would need to lock everybody up … no exceptions, because every possible position of belief or non-belief will be blasphemy to somebody else.

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(UK Libel Reform Campaign) – A message from Simon Singh & Ben Goldacre

Dear Libel Reform Supporter,

Last week, we gave evidence to the Parliamentary Scrutiny Committee examining the draft defamation bill. We sat alongside Philip Campbell (editor of Nature) and Fiona Godlee (editor of the British Medical Journal) and explained how English libel law currently hinders free speech in science and medicine and we outlined how the law could be reformed.

You can watch our evidence online here: (our session starts at 17.40)

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(News Today) – Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes can not only be treated, but can now be cured. You need never actually have it; provided that you adopt a sensible lifestyle of good diet and exercise then you are never going to suffer the condition, barring extremely bad luck in your genes. Similarly, if you are headed down the path … Read more

Weeping in utter frustration – anti-evolution bills on the NH legislative agenda!!!

The National Centre for Science Educaion reports … Antievolution bills are on the horizon in New Hampshire. Included on a list (PDF) of legislative service requests dated June 14, 2011, are two requests to have antievolution bills drafted for the 2012 legislative session. LSR 2012-H-2176-R, submitted by Jerry Bergevin (R-District 17), asks for a bill … Read more

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