Florida Nurse to School Board: “You are all Demonic Entities”
Fundamentalist Nurse accuses school board of being demonic because they supported a mask mandate to keep students safe.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Fundamentalist Nurse accuses school board of being demonic because they supported a mask mandate to keep students safe.
The latest fake COVID cure being touted by the right-wing is Ivermectin. Almost every credible medic is strongly advising – don’t use this.
Pew ran a survey asking people if intelligent life exists elsewhere. They then broke down the results using religious demographics.
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
New study reveals that the public acceptance of evolution has dramatically increased in the last decade. It also explains why
In 1965 Moore’s Law predicted that Integrated circuity capacity would double every two years. How much longer can this continue for?