The one item of very good news this week is the Sarah Sanders announced that she is stepping down on 30th June. This of course is the lady who took weird to a new level by saying that she “hopes to be remembered for being “transparent and honest”. She will in fact be remembered as grossly dishonest. That’s not simply a political opinion, it is a well established fact. Vanity Fair lists out some of her biggest lies, and even then it is only scratching the surface.
Quick fact check, from her Wikipedia page …
With the release of the Mueller Report in April 2019, it was shown that Sanders had admitted to investigators that she had made false statements to the public as press secretary.[3][4][2]
She is not isolated in any way. Her track record for lying pales when compared to her boss, hence being a liar was perhaps ideal for the role as the press secretary of the liar-in-chief.
What of course is truly weird is that evangelicals, who still robustly support both her and her boss, need to not only embrace the flow of indigestible lies as “truth”, but also continuously lie to themselves to such a degree that they can no longer remember what is actually true.
What happened during the last 7 days?
The Cult of Trump …
- Conservative Christians Must Back Trump in 2020 and ‘Break the Backs of the Left,’ Says Robert Jeffress
- Jim Bakker: Christians Must Pray for Trump Because ‘We’re so Close to the Bible Being Illegal’ … (Says the guy who went to jail for conning his followers out of cash)
- Also Jim Bakker: Christian Leaders and Politicians Will Be Murdered if Trump is not Re-Elected
- E.W. Jackson explains why conservative Christians will continue to support President Trump: … “He’s not perfect, but here again: It’s not Donald Trump or Jesus. It’s really Donald Trump or the devil, in a way.” …. (It is actually the incompetent buffoon vs somebody with basic human empathy and decency).
- David Barton says that Trump’s Christian critics … “have created an artificial standard as Christians that God doesn’t even have for His leaders in the Bible … Give Trump a break. Look at what he’s done. Judge a tree by its fruit, what he’s done for the nation or what he’s done for economics, morality and Israel and so many things the Bible talks about. No one in our lifetime gets as much done for biblically correct things as what he’s done.” … (Yes indeed, do look closely at what he has actually done).
- BarbWire declares that … “if Trump loses and Democrats win control of the White House and both houses of Congress, there is a very good chance that America’s conservatives will resort to taking up arms against the leftist Democrats who are hell bent on destroying our nation.”
- Religious Right Leaders Join Trump Re-election Rally, Warn Defeat Would be Win for ‘Spiritual Enemy’
… and if you really wanted to understand this cult, then perhaps this explains quite a bit …
- MAGA broadcaster Brenden Dilley lays out the “first rule” for spreading information to help get Trump re-elected in 2020: … “It doesn’t have to be true, it just has to go viral.”
False Prophets ..
- Mark Taylor Says Those Who Call Him a ‘False Prophet’ Are Literally Endangering Their Lives
- Mark Taylor Is Still Standing By His Failed ‘Red Tsunami’ Prophecy
(He never successfully predicts anything correctly, his track record is one of being 100% wrong)
Homophobia on steroids …
- Don Boys declares that … “surely, sane, sensible, and sober Americans would not send a sodomite to the White House” …. because doing so is … “almost inviting God’s judgment on America.”
- David Jolly warned that LGBTQ activists are out to destroy Father’s Day: … “As you honor your father and grandfather today, make sure you make this an extra special celebration because it could well be the last time we are allowed to officially celebrate Father’s Day here in the United States.”
- Cindy Jacobs: If Equality Act Passes, Christians May Start a Civil War
- ‘My Little Pony’ Now Down With The Gay Agenda
- Conservative Christian Media, Leaders Spread Lies about California LGBTQ Resolution
- Cops Who Raided Stonewall Were Trying to ‘Rescue’ Transgender Kid, Says Religious Right Activist
- Kevin Swanson Warns That God Will ‘Cut Down’ Taylor Swift
Years after the election, they still promote fake Hillary Claims …
- Mark Taylor: Hillary Clinton Would Have Locked Christians in FEMA Concentration Camps … (And Trump, whom he supports is quite literally locking up people in Concentration Camps where they are dying).
- Also Mark Taylor: Hillary Clinton Would’ve Turned Churches Into Satanic Temples
- Doug Hagmann Claims White House Supports the Right-Wing Effort to Lock Up Hillary Clinton
Conspiracy Theories …
Nutter of the week: Dave Hayes …
- Dave Hayes (aka “The Praying Medic”) predicts that one day … “our grandchildren are going to look excitedly into our eyes, and beg us to tell them, once more, their favorite story; how Q and the Patriots saved the world.” … (they will actually look into his eyes and ask “How could you be so gullible and stupid to believe that stuff”)
- Also Dave Hayes: Trump Will Have John Kerry and Barack Obama Publicly Executed by the Military
Did anything else Weird happen?
Need you really ask?
- Christian Hate-Preacher Reiterates That Gay People Should Be “Six Feet Under”
- Christian Ministers: An Extra $5,000 Miraculously Appeared in Our Bank Account!
- AL GOP Official: “Freaking Queers Have Gotten Too Much Sympathy”
- Pastor Arrested for Having Child Porn (with His Face Superimposed on the Images)
- Oops! Donald Trump’s Proposed Tariffs on Chinese Goods Could Lead to “Bible Tax”
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.’s “Pool Boy” Scandal May Explain His Endorsement of Trump
- Pat Robertson: Christians Should Just Ignore What Jesus Said About Divorce
- Vandals, Citing Leviticus, Destroy Washington Church’s Pride Display
- Creationist: The Bible is True Because God Says the Bible Is True
- A Catholic Priest Who Gave a Eulogy for a Church Deacon May Have Been the Killer
- A Student Told Her Seminary’s President She Was Raped. He Made Her Life Worse.