Ben Walker documents the blowback in a thread here.
Did he really say it?
One representative in the room claimed he never said it, but unfortunately for that gas-lighter, three others confirm that he definitely did.
Since this convicted felon did indeed tee up the shot, some are more than willing to step up and play it beautifully …
Wisconsin is a swing state, so trashing Milwaukee is indeed a great way to alienate voters. It’s great to see Trump is working really hard to ensure that Biden wins …

Moving on, below you will once again find my usual selection of some truly bizarre and extreme claims that have popped up during the last 7 days. Each is laced with my snarky commentary.
With my usual hat tip to my various sources, let’s once again dive into this very murky pool of absurdity and stupidity.
Christian Nationalism
Via @bethreinhard writing in the @washingtonpost we get a glimpse at life under a new Trump presidency, with the White House pushing authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism in a “post-constitutional” country. It is titled “Trump loyalist pushes ‘post-Constitutional’ vision for second term” – Quote: “We’re going to rip and shred the federal government apart, and if you don’t like it, you can lump it.”.
- There is no ducking the observation that rather a lot of people are going to be voting for Trump without actually knowing that this is what they are about to get if enough of them do so. The choice is Dictator Trump or Democracy.
- Permit me to distill it down for you – this guy is a flat-out nazi.
- After a jury convicted Trump of falsifying business records, the guy profiled in the article, Vought, tweeted: “Do not tell me that we are living under the Constitution.”. I’d love to know exactly which part of the Constitution is he referring to that would let the convicted felon Trump off the hook for his well-established crimes?
Next up is a Mother Jones Article about The New Apostolic Reformation. It is by @kieraevebutler writing about how the New Apostolic Reformation movement works to influence SCOTUS. It is titled “Are You There, God? It’s Me, Justice Alito. – Inside the movement to make the Supreme Court explicitly Christian.“
- Quote: “Today, estimates of the number of people whose churches are influenced by the New Apostolic Reformation vary widely, from 3 million to 33 million. Because of the movement’s laser focus on starting a spiritual war to Christianize America, the Southern Poverty Law Center recently called the New Apostolic Reformation “the greatest threat to US democracy that you have never heard of.“
- I would also argue that public confidence in SCOTUS is rapidly being destroyed by SCOTUS themselves. Not only has Trump managed to corrupt an entire religious demographic, the Evangelicals, and also corrupt an entire political demographic, the Republicans, but he has also corrupted a good chunk of SCOTUS as well.
Christian Nationalist Tony Perkins is very upset Alito was caught on tape admitting what he really believes.
- For context, here is Journalist Lauren Windsor sharing the audio clips she captured of Alito confirming that he is a Christian Nationalist when she went undercover at an event.
- Anyone familiar with his opinions on religious freedom and church-state separation will have known this for some time. Then there was also his recent admission with the flags. Now this past week we have his admission on tape.
- Here is the Rolling Stone article from Jun 10 (they have a paywall there) that made all this public to a wide audience.
GOP Rep. Kevin Hern was “honored to be a part of this community of believers who are working to reclaim our culture for Christ” while speaking to a group of Christian nationalists in Oklahoma: “Our red states love God. And our blues? I’m not sure what they love.”
- What a dumbass, political entities like states don’t have emotions and love or hate people, it is individual people who live and love others.
- Translation: “reclaim our culture for Christ” actually means impose his batshit crazy religious beliefs on everybody by force. It is also odd that he does this in the name of Christ because none of his beliefs line up with any of the documented teachings of Jesus. It’s a cult.
- Meanwhile God just loves Oklahoma for all this love … by levelling it every year with Tornados.
Ben Zeisloft declares that “atheists should neither be permitted to run for office nor testify in court proceedings.”
- Ben is a Blue Tick guy on Twitter that likes to shit post and stir up a storm so that he gets a nice generous check from Elon each month. You get about $9 per million views, so it motivates immoral turds like Ben to be as provocative as possible. It is a business model designed to polarize.
- One of the strongest very best arguments in favour of Atheism, non-belief, consists of people like Ben himself.
- Guidance: When faced with people like Ben, don’t play the game and engage directly.
The Cult of Trump
What can I say except to perhaps wonder just how “interesting” the official debates are going to be …

- After reading the above random word salad you might now be tempted to drive yourself to the ER to check if you have had a stroke.
- You might be tempted to think … “Nah, this is made up, no way did he say all this” … well … here is the video.
- The huge concern here is not that trump rambles incoherently at each rally, it’s that he has a cult willing to pretend he is issuing gems of wisdom what faced with stuff like this.
- I’ve finally understanding the term “stable genius”. It actually means he shovels horse shit to his cult of followers
Throughout Trump’s presidency, all we heard was that God anoints and appoints the president. But now that Joe Biden is president, “prophet” Mary Colbert claims that is not how it works: “Not everybody who is put in position are put in position because that who God wants.”
- Only convicted felon, fraudster, and sexual abuser Trump is supposedly the chosen one … it really is a cult.
- Meanwhile, somebody needs to explain to her that in a democracy only individual people get to vote, gods don’t play any role in the process.
The Hunter Biden Verdict
- It illustrates rather well that Fox News is all about right-wing propaganda and has absolutely nothing at all to do with reporting the news.
- Some might argue that what they do at Fox News is wonderful. They provide hope and careers for so many people who were dropped on their heads as infants.
Meanwhile here are a few more takes on this for you to enjoy …

Christian “Love”
Associated Press: Southern Baptists expel Virginia church for believing women can serve as pastors
- Clearly a far bigger priority than sexual abuse for them to sort out during their conference this past week was … women.
The new “Christian” thing (for some) is being Pro-Death …

- Some are indeed rapidly moving towards the medieval approach of … “kill em all, let God sort em out“
- Josh apparently has a bible with an asterisk beside “Thou shalt not kill” that refers you to the bottom of the page where you find a list of instances where it’s okay to kill people.
Right-wing commentator Vanessa Hicks-Callaway accuses journalist Lauren Windsor of “blasphemy” for using “the sacredness of our faith” to obtain a recording of Justice Samuel Alito: “Some day, with the white throne of justice and judgment, she will give an account.”
- “blasphemy” is the “crime” you use when no actual crime was committed.
- Hey Vanessa, if you care more about demonizing Lauren and not at all about the actual things that were said, then we have some really bad news for you about that “throne of judgment“
Homophobia on Steroids

- You have to have an astonishing degree of both stupidity and also bigotry to actually think that LGBTQ rights are in any way treason.
- Hopefully he will loses by a landslide then forgotten about.
- Least you wonder how he became a pastor, be aware it is all a con. This collage dropout, quit his job at McDonalds and setup a church in his house, which was just a few chairs in his basement, then started broadcasting to solicit for donations. He soon discovered a very gullible MAGA demographic, and so jumped on the Trump train. It’s really all about $$$
- CNN famously did an interview with him and exposed that his claimed biography was totally bogus.
Lance Wallnau says that Pride Month is “a spiritual manifestation of the spirit realm, led by a high-level principality called Jezebel.”
- Lance is simply a bigot who makes up total shit as a shield to hid his bigotry behind.
Rick Scott is as usual being Rick Scott …

- For all those claiming that the bill was cluttered with lots of other stuff … nope, not true, here it is.
- Reminder: Rick Scott of the guy who ran a company that defrauded Medicare. The company was fined $1.7 billion. It was was, at the time, the largest healthcare fraud settlement in U.S. history
As I’m sure you are aware, this happened …

- We should perhaps offer our congrats to future mass shooters on their Supreme Court victory.
- Jesus, guns, babies, flags … FFS this is all deeply crazy.
To do this the corrupt right-wing justices very blatantly abandoned basic principles that they have long promoted. Justice Sotomayor called them out on it …
- The brilliant argument she presented proves beyond a doubt that these justices had no legal basis for making machine guns legal to own.

Deeply Weird
Tableau Magazine: “For our 15th anniversary, we are introducing the Sinai Awards, honoring 36 people who have made the world freer for the rest of us.” … their list includes Elon Musk, J.K. Rowling, Ted Cruz, and others.
- May we offer our heartfelt Congratulations to all those of you that did not make this cuckoo bananas list of right-wing reactionaries.
Jack Hibbs tells parents to send their children to Liberty University, because if they go anywhere else, they’re “gonna come out of college hating America [and] hating white people.”
- Translation: “Don’t let your kids become educated because I’ll no longer be able to brainwash them … but another indoctrination camp is OK“
On Hannity’s show, Newt Gingrich claims that Kamala Harris, who graduated from Howard, has a law degree, served as California AG, US Senator, & is now Vice President, is a “really shallow, uneducated, & uneducatable person,“ & has no redeeming qualities other than a “weird laugh”
- I’m not exactly convinced that a guy who cheated on and divorced his wife while she was being treated for cancer has any redeeming qualities
- Lots of words to avoid the one word he really, really wants to say. He has always been a racist. A bonafide southern racist. You saw it in his policies 30 years ago and you see it in his language today. He did everything but call Kamala Harris the N word. A truly terrible Speaker who was railroaded out of DC by his own party.
- Meanwhile Kamala has a lot of catching up to do with Newt, she is still very much with her first spouse, Doug.
- His people are the ones who leave bible quotes or rude comments instead of real tips.
- We all have a truly excellent tip for you – don’t vote for the convicted felon.
The False Profit$
“Prophet” Mary Colbert warns that October will be “a very perilous month” and is therefore launching a prayer effort in anticipation of the election.
- Fake Prophet 101: Be as vague as possible so that you can claim hit no matter what happens.
- There will also no doubt be a donate button in play there at some point.
Self-proclaimed “prophet” Donna Rigney reads a passage from the book of Jeremiah, which was composed over 2,500 years ago, and declares it “was speaking prophetically of Donald Trump”: “He is a righteous man. He is a man with a heart after [God’s] heart.”
- But of course … convicted felon, fraudster, liar, and sexual abuser Trump is rather famously a “man with a heart after God’s heart” … but only in the minds of his deeply gullible cult.
- One can only wonder – are crazy people are naturally drawn to the Trump cult or does joining the Trump cult turn people totally wacky
After spreading the right-wing myth that schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats, self-proclaimed “prophet” Hank Kunneman says Trump must put “deliverance rooms in every single school” to cast the “liberal demons” out of teachers.
- There is a dire need for some real deliverance … from stupidity like his.
Self-proclaimed “prophetess” Kat Kerr, who repeatedly guaranteed that Trump would win the 2020 election, still refuses to accept the results, claiming that hundreds of thousands of Trump ballots are still being found: “They even shot down a Black Hawk helicopter [carrying military ballots] so that they could never be counted.”
- Classic Post-Prophecy Move: When it is blatantly apparent that she was wrong and was just making up shit, simply double down and make up even more shit.
- Actual evidence for anything she claims? …. (Oh come now, you need exactly zero supernatural ability to predict that with 100% accuracy)
- What you do have wonder is this – if the win she prophesied was blocked by shooting down helicopters, then why didn’t she see THAT coming?
- Reminder: The claim that 2020 was stolen is the least weird claim by Kerr. Her primary scam consists of vivid psychedelic descriptions of heaven … God has a pet unicorn … there is football in Heaven as well as a warehouse where God keeps spare body parts and organs for those in need, and much more. Basically she makes it all up, writes it down, and then sells these books to deeply gullible people. She is what you might term a “grief vampire” who preys upon people who have lost somebody and are desperate to cling to hope.
It’s all Staged

- Wow, a convicted felon who lies every single time he speaks, and who waves to imaginary crowds, also fakes his “spur of the moment, man of the people” moments as well … what a shocker.
He waves to imaginary crowds?
Seriously yes …
- Pointing out that it is staged is the charitable interpretation. An alternative interpretation is that he is hallucinating.
Very Blatant Propaganda
“This could be an election decider” — Sinclair anchors across the country read from the same script to launder the WSJ’s Biden hit piece into local news broadcasts …
- Context (Via Wikipedia page about them): Sinclair … has been criticized by journalists and media analysts for requiring its stations to broadcast packaged video segments and its news anchors to read prepared scripts that contain pro-Trump editorial content, including warnings about purported “fake news” in mainstream media, while Trump has tweeted support for watching Sinclair over CNN and NBC.[6][7][8][9][10]
- It’s all about getting people into office who will pass favorable legislation for their organizations – a willingness to sacrifice democracy for tax breaks and profits. It’s not new, Sinclair have been doing this for years.
Here is John Oliver back in 2017 exposing Sinclair as a very blatant promoter of political disinformation …
Excellent Fact Checking in Play here
- This happens every time elected Republicans think they’re smart enough to do a real interview.
We have a Long Road ahead
But there are good people out there willing to make the journey …
Yep, this candidate’s answer reveals that he really is a Libertarian …
Jason asks if the earth is round or flat at the Miami Trump rally, the answers do indeed confirm that it was a dip into the shallow end of the gene pool …
They also have a longer 17 min Miami rally YouTube clip up …
- In the past people used to visit insane asylums to laugh at and mock the antics of crazy people. Today we have YouTube and Trump rallies … so not much has changed then.
Reminder: It’s really all about the 1% keeping all our money
This is what is really going on …

- He is not just expressing an opinion, he literally has the receipts – Via Committee on the Budget (Mat 2023) – The Rich Get Richer, Deficits Get Bigger: How Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and Corporations Drive the National Debt