Some idiots within the Cult of Trump have been promoting this batshit crazy claim …
… because Trump has about 88 million followers on Twitter, but only received 74 million votes in the election, the discrepancy is the result of a “sting operation.” Therefore, Trump ought to be president.
Anybody with an ounce of common sense would immediately realise the huge flaws in that argument …
- Many who follow Trump on twitter don’t actually like or support him, they simply want to keep an eye on “crazy”
- It assumes all 88 million live in the US, but in reality many are outside the US and don’t get to vote in US elections
- Many, perhaps most, of these followers are not actually human, they are bots. Roughly about 60% of his followers appear to be fake accounts.
- etc…
When it comes to common sense, it is so rare amongst the MAGA mob that any actual instance of it appearing would be akin to finding somebody with a super power.
So what else has been happening in the past week?
Let’s take a look at some of the truly jaw dropping highlights that illustrates that the most common commodity that is available in abundance is stupidity.
Proclamations from the last 7 days
The Cult Of Trump
- God Told Johnny Enlow Trump Got 88 Million Votes, Won 45 States Including California and New York
- Yes, I covered this above already. I’m not exactly convinced that the voices in Johnny’s head are a credible source of accurate information.
- Ecumenical Pro-Trump Cult of Personality Brings Extremism to National Mall
- They appear to view electoral defeat as a crucifixion of their beloved Trump messiah.
- Janet Porter thanks President Donald Trump for relentlessly trying to overturn the results of the election, declaring that “when this chapter of American history is written, President Donald J. Trump will be credited with saving the United States of America.”
- When this chapter of history is written, Trump will indeed be remembered, but not in a good way.
- Franklin Graham proclaims that “President Trump will go down in history as one of the great presidents of our nation, bringing peace and prosperity to millions here in the U.S. and around the world.”
- Are you all enjoying all that peace and prosperity then?
- Todd Coconato is outraged that conservative Christians are being criticized for supporting Trump, especially when “the alternative is a baby-killing, Luciferian, demonic agenda of darkness and communism.”
- Biden and Harris are actual Christians … vs … Mr Two Corinthians who is clearly not.
The “Stolen” Election
- As Legal Paths to Overturn Election Vanish, Trump Fires Up Supporters Who Call for Martial Law and Political Violence
- Meanwhile, Trump continues to portray his defeat as a landslide victory. This is a fantasy role playing game on a national scale.
- Al Perrotta asserts that Joe Biden … “can save the country from the polluted panorama of Chinese-connected corruption bringing down an administration” …by conceding the election and allowing President Donald Trump to remain in office.
- That’s not exactly how elections work.
- Mat Staver declares that “it is now clear that the 2020 general election was plagued with massive fraud designed to rob the American people of their sacred right to cast their vote! The potential destruction of President Trump’s pro-Israel policies is sad enough to contemplate. But being witness to the astounding level of fraud being foisted on the American people is truly heartbreaking. If this election fraud somehow succeeds, both Americans and Israelis alike will suffer greatly.”
- Evidence presented for this “massive fraud” is nothing, not one jot. They had their day in court x 60
- DeAnna Lorraine lashed out at the Supreme Court for rejecting Texas’ election lawsuit, declaring that Trump supporters will launch a revolution “if we are not allowed to overturn the election results.”
- She appears to be rather eager for a dictatorship.
- Cliff Kincaid and Mark Adams believe that the members of the Supreme Court should be impeached and prosecuted for refusing to overturn the results of the election.
- They could perhaps try taking that impeachment case to the very highest court available … the Supreme Court.
- Hank Kunneman is getting increasingly upset over being labeled a false prophet for repeatedly prophesying that Trump would win the election: “I do not think for a moment that God’s leading prophets that have track records of very precise words, have all missed it and somehow the media is telling the truth. Have they told the truth in the last 4 years? Then why are we attacking the prophetic voices of the Lord?”
- He gets attacked because he was and remains clearly wrong. That really does make him a false prophet.
The Election
- ‘Stop the Steal’ Activists Demand Congressional Republicans Give Election to Trump, Threaten Retaliation If They Don’t
- The stage they are at is the one where they toss all their toys out of their pram.
- Kat Kerr claims that she heard God “laughing loudly” about the Electoral College voting to affirm that Joe Biden won the election.
- She hears voices in her head
- Eric Metaxas complains that Joe Biden is gaslighting America by acting like he’s the president-elect and declares that Democrats must prove to President Donald Trump’s supporters that there was no voter fraud and that the election wasn’t stolen.
- A rather well-established legal principle is “innocent until proven guilty“. Burden of proof rests with those making the claim Eric. So far the evidence presented is exactly zero.
- Brenden Dilley vows not to pay taxes or obey laws if Biden becomes president: “I’m not fucking living under an illegitimate presidency.”
- Not paying taxes has consequences. You get rewarded by the state giving you free bed and lodging for several years.
- DeAnna Lorraine thinks that an elderly woman who was one of the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine was flashing Illuminati signs.
- I’m not convinced there was any “thinking” going on here.
The Profit$ of God
Most people who are religious are generally decent honourable people. There are however some who use belief as a way to manipulate, to enrich themselves, and to generally treat it as a license to be obnoxious assholes.
Here are a few examples from the past week …
- A Christian Preacher Got $3.9 Million in PPP Money… Then Bought a Private Jet
- It was Marcus Lamb of Daystar Television, one of the largest religious TV networks in the country. The InsiderEdition expose of this scam is here on YouTube.
- Televangelist Joel Osteen’s Houston Megachurch Received $4,436,224 in PPP Loans
- The largest Christian megachurch in the country took a massive government handout
- Mormon Apostle Faces Backlash for Saying Masks Are a “Sign of Christlike Love”
- You know there’s a problem with the Mormon Church when members lash out after a leader says something decent.
- COVID-Denying TN GOP Lawmaker Asks God for “Miracle” to Help Him Overcome COVID
- Actions have consequences. TN Rep. David Byrd, who said the pandemic was “sensationalized,” is now in a hospital due to the virus. Update: He is now on a ventilator
- POLITICO: Liberty U. Funneled Millions of Dollars Into Pro-Trump Causes
- There’s no reason Liberty U. should be allowed to remain a non-profit.
- Conservative Writer Blames Public Schools for Kids Not Believing in His God
- If education is your enemy, maybe you should rethink your beliefs.
- MS Gov. Issues Pointless “Day of Prayer, Humility, and Fasting” Proclamation
- Gov. Tate Reeves downplayed COVID for months. Now he thinks prayer and fasting will fix everything. Not eating will really not in any way do anything except leave a few folks feeling hungry.
- Christian Activists Sign Letter Falsely Declaring Trump Winner of Election
- These deluded individuals refuse to accept reality
- Former TX Priest Receives 10-Year Prison Sentence for “Indecency with a Child”
- Stories like this keep popping up and no longer shock us. This is simply the latest of many similar stories.
- FL Pastor Who Opposed Sunday Alcohol Sales Arrested for Something So Much Worse
- Yes, you want to know what he did. I’ll save you clicking the link – On Monday, Milam, 62, was arrested on charges of child pornography.
- Lauren Daigle Dropped from New Year’s Gig After Singing at COVID-Spreading Rally
- helping spread the virus means you are the problem and need to face consequences of that.
- Kirk Cameron Will Spread Christmas Cheer and COVID With an In-Person Sing-along
- wildly irresponsible
Bonus Items
In no particular order, here are a few tweets that caught my eye this past week from a few comedians. It is perhaps very Shakespearian for the jesters to be the ones that tells us the truth…