There are several truly weird highlights that stand out this week.
One is the realisation that the Handmaids Tale appears to be fast becoming a documentary within various southern states. AOC nails it by explaining what it is really all about …
However, competing with the above is the truly weird claim made by Ted Cruz who insisted that we needed a Space Force to protect us all from Space Pirates.
You might be tempted to think I’m making that up. Nope, here he is saying it …
What happened during the last 7 days?
Dave Daubenmire’s Jihad against Hilary Clinton continued …
- ‘They Can’t Kill Us All’: Dave Daubenmire Urges Christians to Join Anti-Clinton ‘Tour’ …“We have two choices: Rapture, or the Second American Revolution. That is what we have. That’s our two choices, because if we’re sitting around and waiting on the Rapture and the Rapture doesn’t come, you’re going to be locked down in a gulag.”
- Dave Daubenmire is promoting the planned protest outside the Clintons’ home over Memorial Day weekend by bragging that he is “a dangerous man.”
Antisemitism …
- Rick Wiles warns that Jews will soon outlaw mentioning the name of Jesus in America.
- Rick Wiles also blames the Jews for the legalization of abortion in America: … “We would not have abortion in America if it was not for powerful, influential rich Jews in America.”
This of course is not a guy who hates just one group, he basically hates anybody and everybody who does not believe exactly what he believes …
Xenophobia …
- Laurie Cardoza-Moore wants the Council on American-Islamic Relations to be designated as a foreign terrorist organization: …“Send them all back to where they came from and they can continue to practice their Sharia law, and their anti-West value system, where they come from … These people need to be looked at and we need to see where their loyalties lie and what they’re doing.”
- E.W. Jackson: Allowing an Imam to Pray in Congress Pronounces ‘Curses’ on the Nation
Secret Society Claims …
- Cory Daniel explains that Freemasonry was behind Rep. Steve Cohen’s decision to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken to mock Attorney General William Barr for refusing to testify at a House hearing last week
QAnon …
(“Any day now” has been the QAnon fan club’s perpetual and persistently failing claim)
Weird Signs …
- Johnny Enlow says the fact that favored racehorse Maximum Security was disqualified from the Kentucky Derby is a prophetic sign that … “this ‘Maximum Security’ tyranny of the Seven Mountains is being broken right now in a Psalm 145 moment of the kingdom of God breaking in.”
- Anti-choice activist Natalie Brumfield declares that the upcoming birth of her daughter … “is a sign and a wonder to our nation that Jesus is bringing forth a mighty generation, a Jesus generation, that literally stands for life and revival! This generation is being birthed right now and is making history. The very timing of their births and the meanings of their names are prophesying the ending of Roe v. Wade in America forever.”
There are some who really don’t get it, and never will …
- Stacy Washington claims that the University of Virginia men’s basketball team’s refusal to meet with President Trump at the White House shows that “the true hate is in their heart.”
God hates equality …
- Pat Robertson: Passage of the Equality Act Will Cause God to Destroy America
- Anti-LGBTQ Group Director: The Equality Act Should Be Called the ‘Death to Christianity Act’
Build the wall …
- Josh Bernstein is calling on President Trump to also build a wall on our northern border with Canada.
President Trump Jnr …
- Mark Taylor warns Democrats to stop harassing Donald Trump Jr. because it has been ordained by God that he will be elected president one day.
The con men are ready to milk the gullible in 2020 …
- Lance Wallnau and Jim Bakker are selling a $45 gold-plated Trump/Cyrus coin that will serve as a “point of contact” to God for those who wish to pray for Trump’s re-election in 2020.
The Pete Buttigieg fan club …
The cult of Trump also keeps rolling on …
- David Horowitz: Trump Is An American Patriot and That’s Why Progressives Hate Him
- Tom Horn: Trump Was Chosen by God to Help Build the Third Temple
Abortion …
Did any other bits of Weird pop up?
As usual, lots of other weird things did. Here is a small selection …
- MAGA Cultist: PA Rep. Brian Sims Must “Suck a Dick” To Prove To Me That He’s Gay
- Christian Activist to MO Lawmakers: “We Have a God-Given Right to Discriminate”
- TN Judge Shares Article Telling Jews to “Get the F*** Over the Holocaust”
- Conservative Lawyer: Kids Should Say “God Bless America” in Schools Because 9/11
- Christian Mom: It’s a Travesty That Girls Are Outperforming Boys Academically
- Mike Pence Whines to Liberty Graduates: It’s Now “Fashionable to Ridicule” Faith
- Texas AG’s Office Says It’ll Defend Courthouse With Christian Crosses in Windows
- Christian Hate-Preacher: “God’s Gonna Punish These Countries” Banning Me
- Texas Preacher: Atheists Defending the Constitution Should “Go Suck a Tailpipe”
- Pastor Who Raped Adopted 14-y.o. Daughter Gets Lenient Sentence Due to His Faith
- Georgia Insurance Head, also a Christian Leader, Charged with $2M Campaign Fraud
- MI Lawmaker: Abortions “Should Be Painful”; Women Must “Allow God to Take Over”
- Franklin Graham: PBS Shouldn’t Get Funding Because a Cartoon Rat Got Gay Married
- 85-Year-Old Texas Deacon Admits to Sexually Abusing Multiple Young Girls