Is it possible to break away and escape from Quiverfull?

OK, for those that do not know, let’s ask this – “What the heck is Quiverfull?”. Well, basically it is a specific religious fundamentalist belief that women should be churning out as many babies as possible because that is what they believe god wants, so birth control or any kind of family planning is very … Read more

“Asian” is the wrong word for what happened in #Rotherham

There has been rather a lot of news in the UK regarding the horrendous volume of abuse that has been discovered to have been taking place in Rotherham, by “Asian” men. What has also been exposed is that both the police and also the social services turned a blind eye to it all. Professor Alexis Jay, author of the … Read more

Pell #AbuseInquiry

Warning: Today I’m off on a bit of a rant, so if factual disclosures of what some cretinous lunatics have been doing leaves you feeling a tad queasy, then you might want to skip the rest. Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s top Catholic, went before an abuse inquiry to answer some questions, can you possibly guess why?  He was speaking … Read more

Catholicism: Nothing less than institutional evil

Catherine Deveney has a really insightful article on the Catholic child abuse and subsequent coverup in Scotland. One key line reads … one cardinal is not the crisis. Thousands of abused children around the world, and an institution that silences them: that is the real crisis. The church claims child-protection policies have been in place … Read more

The Destruction of Family life

The Pope has announced that he wants to forge alliances with other religions against gay marriage, saying the family was threatened “to its foundations” by attempts to change its “true structure”. He said: “There is no denying the crisis that threatens it (the family) to its foundations – especially in the Western world.” Actually there is … Read more

Catholic Church still recommending that abuse should be covered up and not reported

We all know about the abuse, and are now aware it was not simply about a few bad priests, but also involved a quite frankly criminal conspiracy to protect the abusers and so enabled them to continue to molest thousands over many decades without fear of any consequences at all. They claim that everything has … Read more