What Does Climate History reveal about our future?

A new and quite impressive paper has been published in Nature that lays out about two million years of climate history. What has happened in the past is a rather obviously valuable tool because it also enables us to understand the future we face. Prior to this specific paper only small windows of specific periods … Read more

Huge leap forward for Paris agreement on Climate Change

Last Wednesday, 21st Sept, the ratification of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change leapt boldly towards coming into force. We are not quite there yet, but it is a lot closer. I was blogging about this a few days ago, and so this was something I did anticipate. At the time the expectation was that another 20 … Read more

California extends most ambitious climate change law in US

About ten years ago back in 2006 the state of California took the very bold step of passing legislation that was designed to slash their greenhouse emissions. This was Assembly Bill (AB) 32- California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 and was passed with the aim of establishing a comprehensive program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sources throughout the state. It … Read more

Climate Change: Huge leap forward for Paris Agreement on 21st Sept

As you are no doubt aware when it comes to addressing climate change the Paris agreement is not a done deal. Currently, there are 180 signatories to the Paris Agreement.  Of these, only 27 States have also deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval accounting in total for 39.08 % of the total global greenhouse … Read more