The impact of climate change upon coral reefs

coral reefs

New Study reveals that the number of corals settling on Great Barrier Reef declined by 89% following unprecedented loss of adult corals from global warming in 2016 and 2017

Changes in Ocean ‘Conveyor Belt’ Foretold Abrupt Climate Changes by Four Centuries


Evidence has been growing to indicate that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which is something more popularly referred to as the Gulf Stream, is slowing down. What we do also know is that this ocean circulation system plays an important role in the regulation of the climate in both Europe and also the Arctic, … Read more

Very few paths to a viable climate future


Climate change is complicated … very complicated, hence understanding what will happen in response the the various possible scenarios in the days ahead is still very much an unknown. Researchers at Turfs university have just published the results of a new study that helps us to grapple with this. Basically it highlights the fact that … Read more

The Climate of deception

the climate of deception

I better start with a statement to make something very clear – human caused climate change is very real, it is the most challenging event that our species will ever face, doing nothing is not an option. The objective of this posting is to illustrate one of the common patterns of the deliberate deception used … Read more

Climate – Did Arctic have Crocodiles and Palm Trees?


The oft quoted quip that gets trotted out on a regular basis by some of those that reject the concept of human caused climate change is that a long time ago the climate was once a lot warmer in the Arctic and that in that distant past there were Crocodiles and Palm trees there. Is … Read more

Trump Picks Climate Denier to Investigate Climate Change

william happer, climate denier

The current US administration does not do honesty, integrity, nor is informed evidence-based decision making on the agenda. Trump’s own personal stance on Climate Change is well-known as one that is robustly founded upon exactly zero credible evidence, hence it should not be a surprise to observe that his various appointments consist of those that … Read more