Arctic’s strongest sea ice breaks up for first time on record

missing sea ice off north greenland coast

The UK’s Guardian reports on something that has never been seen before this year. The sea ice north of Greenland normally does not break up even in the summer melt season. This year it has been different. They describe it as follows … This phenomenon – which has never been recorded before – has occurred … Read more

Study: East Antarctica ice sheet is becoming unstable

In the East of Antarctica there are two ice sheets named “Totten” and also “Moscow University”. These together contain enough ice to raise sea level by as mush as five meters. There is a new study that has been published that used the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites to measure what is currently … Read more

Global Warming increases Marine heatwaves

Land based heatwaves rather obviously involve an increase in air temperature, but since most of the planet is covered by water then we also have something similar in the world’s oceans – marine heatwaves. The concept recently entered the public’s social consciousness when the following was tweeted … Another sea-surface temperature record was broken today, … Read more

Bruno and Bob signed up for a predatory conference

You are perhaps familiar with the concept of predatory science journals. This is where a supposedly peer-reviewed journal will publish scientific articles, but will in reality publish anything as long as you are willing to pay them a high fee. The range of these runs from those that are simply poor quality all the way … Read more

July was hottest Month ever recorded in California

Each month the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) issues a climate assessment for the preceding month. July’s has now been issued. A highlight is that California had its hottest July and hottest month on record at 79.7°F, surpassing the previous record set in 1931. This is not a PR exercise on behalf of the … Read more

What does the alpha source for “Hothouse Earth” actually tell us?

A paper has appeared in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science) that is attracting a lot of media attention. Titled “Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene” it lays out a possibility that we face a runaway climate hothouse. Note the word I’ve underlined. Many of the media stories highly overhype it … Read more

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