The self-declared King speaks …

Hey Trump voters, this is what you voted for, a King … right?
Below is more of the carnage that the turd reich Führer along with his unelected Reichsminister Von Musk has unleashed this past week.
No more park reservations, no rescue if you get into trouble…

- Yosemite has always been one of my favourite parks, but this will not just be one park, it will be impacting the entire park system
- Quote: “Without us, there’s a big potential parks could close. Bathrooms would be locked because we don’t have people to clean them. There’s no water filtration. Sewage could seep into rivers, and gateway communities could burn down without firefighters,” Cherney said. “Paramedics need to respond to calls. If someone falls in the woods, no one’s going to be able to come for them.”
- There will probably be no one working the gates or policing the parks either. I’m guessing this summer the parks are going to suffer a ton of damage and trump is going to use the “sorry state of the parks under federal control” to sell our birthright off to his friends. Because of course he will.
- To be clear, the impact will ripple out – There are a LOT of people, businesses and towns near Parks that rely on it for their livelihood. National parks generated over $55.6 billion in economic output, to cost to save a few federal $$ will be the loss of that.
- Gift Link to the article

No more special education needs programs …

You are no longer safe when you fly …

- These guys simply don’t seem to care that they are chopping away the tunnel supports in a mine shaft.
- You’d think the airlines would say something about this? Crashes aren’t exactly good for business.
Here is where we are now when it comes to “Excellent in air safety” …

I really don’t think most people truly grasp the full consequences of what is happening, but some do get it …

“Best of the Best” in science are all fired …

- What is deeply shocking is that many on the street don’t know that this is happening.
- When you think people who are willing to study and train in complicated and difficult public health subjects for several years are the bad guys, you are most definitely the villain here
- If you haven’t discovered by now, there is nothing that frightens MAGA more than highly educated and qualified professionals, and that’s why they have to go — every one — until Trump and Musk look like the smartest people in the room
- Other places such as Canada will welcome them. Once they are gone, they are gone and not coming back.
- Nazi Germany literally did the same. Beginning in 1933, hundreds of physicists and other academics fled the country, transforming their lives and the global scientific landscape. After WWII many of those that fled did not return but instead remained with those that had given then sanctuary and so greatly contributed to those other nations.
As for foreign aid, Mehdi nails it …

- The ‘pay for work already done has been frozen‘, really is the trump brand – now not just national, but international deadbeats.
The utterly fraudulent attitude that both sides are equally bad is how we got Trump, not once but twice, and so now we have this utter clusterfuck unfolding.
So who get’s fired from the military leadership? Yep, only the non-while and female leaders …

- Is every Friday now going to be the “I don’t believe what the fuck that idiot just did” Friday?? … probably yes, but that will also be for every other weekday and weekend.
Has any other crazy stuff happened during the past week?
These days you need not even pause when answering because on a daily basis “utter lunacy blended with raw stupidity” is his new BAU. If you are not sure about that, then just ask the Maine Gov.
Federal Corruption Mythology
This is the latest big lie. It gets promoted because MAGA are stupid enough to believe it.
What is true is the Musk and Trump have claimed over and over that they have found billions of dollars of waste and corruption … but … what is also wholly factual is that the evidence they have presented for this does not backup their claims (I can of course paint you completely unsurprised by the revelation)
“Nothing they have identified is, to my knowledge, evidence of ‘fraud’ or ‘corruption’. Fraud and corruption are crimes,” said Jessica Tillipman, associate dean for government procurement law at George Washington University. “This administration simply has different spending priorities than the last administration. But to label all of it as fraud or corruption is extremely misleading.”
What is also rather telling is that Trump has torn down governmental fraud-finding tools, and has fired more than a dozen inspectors general whose job was to ferret out fraud and inefficiencies. He also paused the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which prohibits businesses from taking bribes from foreign officials.
So does MAGA believe the Musk/Trump claims?
They have no choice, they have to because the alternative means they would need to come to terms with what is actually going on. Here are some examples.
Eric Metaxas declares that “the evil and corruption being uncovered in our govt is too horrible for most of us to process. It’s like the world in 1945 for the first time seeing that the Nazis systematically murdered millions. It’s simply unfathomable in its evil.“
- Nah, now is literally akin to the 1930s in Nazi Germany when vast numbers believed the Nazi propaganda.
- As rep @RepRaskin put it: “The whole anti-corruption crusade is an absolute fraud. They started by decimating the ranks of the inspectors general. These are the people whose job is actually, day in and day out, 365 days a year, to ferret out waste, fraud and abuse in the departments and the agencies. Those are the people you’d be talking to.“
The most potent example that gained traction was the claim that Social Security payment were going to 150 year old people. This claim was vigorously promoted as “evidence”. It is of course BS, 150-year-olds are not receiving Social Security payments. So let’s briefly step through this one …
- Elon tweeted a spreadsheet showing how many people in the system are in each age bracket. More than 1.3 million people are marked as between the ages of 150 and 159, while almost 2,800 are listed as 200 and older.
- However here is what is really going on – Social Security has records on millions of people, but that doesn’t mean they are actually receiving payments. That insight comes directly from Charles Blahous, a former public trustee for Social Security. He went on to explain “There are many people who were born more than 150 years ago for whom Social Security lacks information about their death, just like we lack information about a lot of things involving people who lived that long ago,“.
- Additionally, Wired reports that the number of people in the 150-year age bracket may have to do with the programming language used by the rather archaic Social Security IT systems. Basically, when there is a missing or incomplete birthdate, COBOL, the programming language commonly used within these systems, defaults to a reference point. The most common is May 20, 1875, when countries around the world attended a convention on metric standards. Someone born in 1875 would be 150 in 2025, which is why entries with missing and incomplete birthdates will default to that age, Wired explained.
- Also … if you are a widow entitled to benefits and there is a big age gap between you and your now deceased partner, then that partner will still also be in the system.
- Bottom line … what Elon is claiming is, as usual, all BS.
It is of course possible to find real mistakes are made with SS payments, but it is tiny. If you really want to save waste and reduce the deficit then you would need to consider the big ticket obvious stuff – tax breaks for billionaires who really don’t need even more money, or fat government contracts to private companies such as SpaceX, but we all know that the goal here is to ramp all that up.
Yep, the annual CPAC conference was once again here and happened this past week. It is more or less a Nazi rally now …

- It’s the Republican Salute now.
- It’s really not that hard to NOT salute like a Nazi…unless of course…you’re…a fucking Nazi.
- Bannon is so jealous that Elon did the Hitler thing first.
- They really don’t care anymore. They’ve gotten away with everything so far, so it will continue. The guard rails are off, they’re not just lying politicians anymore…they’re criminals, there is nothing holding them back. Tomorrow is another day deeper into this hell
Kari Lake was also promoting Musk’s false claims about Social Security fraud from the stage at CPAC. It is a quick case study in MAGA propaganda techniques.
- Lake claimed that DOGE has exposed that the government has been paying “social security benefits to 150 year-olds…and apparently there’s millions of them.”. As I’m sure you are aware now, that’s false because we just raked over all that up above.
Ineffective Pushback
Here are some examples of how you really should not be bringing a knife to a gunfight …

- It is literally just a list of bad things trump and musk have done with no actual information about what the DNC is gonna fucking do about it

- Hakeem isnt ready for this fight. Wish he was but… nope. Ignore him and look to AOC, Frost, Crockett, Raskin, Moscowitz. Maybe a few others but it’s a short list of Dems that understand the game we are now in.
Effective Pushback
Now here is how you do it.
Sometimes you have to just treat them like they are aged 3 as this judge did …

- The judge in the last paragraph is literally showing them like they are children what they are doing. It literally reminded me of trying to help a three year old understand why hitting other people is bad.
- We need to strive to make it absolutely fucking miserable to defend any of this shit. Day in, day out, every single day.
Christian Nationalists
This week the guy with the very very small … (cough cough) … church, pastor Joel Webbon says right-wing Christians must “pursue political office and attain it” and then use that political power to “absolutely terrorize” their enemies.
- If you are wondering who is on his list of “enemies”, it is basically anybody who does not believe exactly what he believes. In other words basically everybody except for a very small list of those that attend his tiny broom cupboard church at the back of a Dale’s in a Walburg, TX shopping mall.
The False Profit$
In 2020, self-proclaimed “prophet” Hank Kunneman proclaimed that Mike Pence would be elected president in 2024. Rather than admit that his prophecy was wrong, Kunneman is now claiming that Pence “disqualified himself”: “So, don’t attack the prophets.”
- Remind me again what the bible says should be done with false prophets, they will be following through on that … right?
- “Listen, just because I call myself a prophet and I didn’t prophet correctly, it’s not MY fault!“, is so 2025
- Is it perhaps also a reminder as to why you should only support non-prophet organizations. (sorry, I could not resist that pun).
Self-appointed prophet and convicted fraudster Shane Vaughn weighs in on the Russia-Ukraine war: “Russia started the invasion, but Joe Biden started the war.“
- As a convicted fraudster who actually did time in jail, Shane’s superpower is his skill to promote BS, that’s where he truly is a subject matter expert.
Weirdest of the Weird
Stew Peters hates being called a Nazi … but tweeted this bit of trolling out on Valentines day (No, I’m not linking to that one) …

Tim Barton has a question: “Why do we think it’s okay to arrest students that break the Ten Commandments, but not okay to show them the Ten Commandments to teach them it’s wrong?“
- Hey Tim, people get arrested for breaking actual laws, and not for breaching religious rules.
Trump quote on Fri: “If you notice, every country that has the death penalty has no drug problem. They execute drug dealers. And when you think about it, it’s very humane, because every drug dealer on average they say kills at least 500 people … I don’t know if our country is ready for it. I am ready for it.“. But also trump on that very same day named Alice Johnson, a convicted drug dealer, to be his “pardon czar.” www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-a…
- As he appointed her he said this “Johnson was ‘in prison for doing something that today probably wouldn’t even be prosecuted.‘” You know how this stuff usually plays out. Would it shock you to learn that she wasn’t a low-level street dealer or sharing scrips with her book club? She was coordinating with Colombian smugglers to bring TONS of coke into the country.
Political Cartoons from the past week
As always, there are many excellent cartoons. Here are a few samples. Each comes with a link to the cartoonist putting the cartoon out via BlueSky. If you are on Bluesky then you can use the link to follow them.

Media Sanewashing of Tyranny
The NYT caught doing full on blatant political propaganda again …

- It’s not new for them. Press Watch 2020 – How the New York Times suckers itself into publishing Republican propaganda … except I would argue when it happens again and again and again it becomes clear that they were not fooled into doing this, it’s a clear policy.

It deserves to be written up, so Oliver did exactly that …

- … and here is the link to his expose. Nice to see that those who used to report the news but switched to propaganda are now the news.
- Separate Context Quote from Oliver outside the article: “I have respect for journalism and research but i never ever ever default to a person or institution just because they’ve been at it a long time. that’s actually, imo, the best way to further bullshit, cause people price in your past and think you wont lie. but the times does.“
- Meanwhile a NYT editor quietly whispered to him “I’m violating company policy by saying this, but thank you.” (Yes really, but I’m not naming any names)
And yes, even NPR is now moving away from factual reporting …

- There is actually a reason why so many conservatives have been targeted by the FBI even when most of the FBI are conservatives – (Hint: it’s not because they are biased against conservatives, but instead it was because the FBI used to have bias against those that broke the law, but don’t worry, Kash is there to sort that bias out)
Elon is apparently looking for a criminal, and Adam helps him to track one down…

Bonus Item – Reasons for Optimism by Robert Reich
With all I have listed above, you also need a bit of positive news as well, so here you go, let’s end with this.
Robert Reich, writes on his substack (Feb 10) – Ten reasons for modest optimism …
If you are experiencing rage and despair about what is happening in America and the world right now because of the Trump-Vance-Musk regime, you are hardly alone. A groundswell of opposition is growing — not as loud and boisterous as the resistance to Tump 1.0, but just as, if not more, committed to ending the scourge.
Here’s a partial summary — 10 reasons for modest optimism.
1. Boycotts are taking hold.
Americans are changing shopping habits in a backlash against corporations that have shifted their public policies to align with Trump.
Millions are pledging to halt discretionary spending for 24 hours on February 28 in protest against major retailers — chiefly Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy — for scaling back diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in response to Trump.
Four out of 10 Americans have already shifted their spending over the last few months to be more consistent with their moral views, according to the Harris poll. (Far more Democrats — 50 percent — are changing their spending habits compared with Republicans — 41 percent.)
Calls to boycott Tesla apparently are having an effect. After a disappointing 2024, Tesla sales declined further in January. In California, a key market for Tesla, nearly 12 percent fewer Teslas were registered in January 2025 than in January 2024. An analysis by Electrek points to even more trouble for Tesla in Europe, where Tesla sales have dropped in every market.
X users are shifting over to Bluesky at a rapid rate, even as Musk adds more advertisers to his ongoing lawsuit against those that have justifiably boycotted X after he turned it into a cesspool of lies and hate (this week, he added Lego, Nestle, Tyson Foods, and Shell).
2. International resistance is rising.
Canada has helped lead the way: A grassroots boycott of American products and tourism is underway there. Prime Minister Trudeau has in effect become a “wartime prime minister” as he stands up to Trump’s bullying.
Jean Chrétien, who served as prime minister of Canada from 1993 to 2003, is urging Canada to join with leaders in Denmark, Panama, and Mexico, as well as with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, to fight back against Trump’s threats.
Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum is standing up to Trump. She has defended not just Mexico but also the sovereignty of Latin American countries Trump has threatened and insulted.
In the wake of JD Vance’s offensive speech at the Munich security conference last week, European democracies are standing together — condemning his speech and making it clear they will support Ukraine and never capitulate to Putin, as Trump has done.
3. Independent and alternative media are growing.
Trump and Musk’s “shock and awe” strategy was premised on their control of all major information outlets — not just Fox News and its right-wing imitators but the mainstream corporate media as well.
It hasn’t worked. The New York Times has done sharp and accurate reporting on what’s happening. Even the non-editorial side of The Wall Street Journal has shown some gumption.
The biggest news, though, is the increasing role now being played by independent and alternative media. Subscriptions have surged at Democracy Now, The American Prospect, Americans for Tax Fairness, Economic Policy Institute, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, The Guardian, ProPublica, Labor Notes, The Lever, Popular Information, Heather Cox Richardson, and, of course, this and other Substacks.
As a result, although Trump and Musk continue to flood the zone with lies, Americans aren’t as readily falling for their scams.
4. Musk’s popularity is plunging.
Elon Musk is underwater in public opinion, according to polls published Wednesday.
Surveys by Quinnipiac University and Pew Research Center — coming just after Trump and Musk were interviewed together by Fox News’ Sean Hannity, with Trump calling Musk a “great guy” who “really cares for the country” — show a growing majority of Americans holding an unfavorable view of Musk.
In Pew’s findings, 54 percent report disliking Musk compared to 42 percent with a positive view; 36 percent report a very unfavorable view of Musk. Quinnipiac’s resultsshow 55 percent believe Musk has too big a role in the government.
5. Musk’s Doge is losing credibility.
On Monday, DOGE listed government contracts it has canceled, claiming that they amount to some $16 billion in savings — itemized on a new “wall of receipts” on its website.
Almost half were attributed to a single $8 billion contract for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency — but that contract was for $8 million, not $8 billion. A larger total savings number published on the site, $55 billion, lacked specific documentation.
In addition, Musk and Trump say tens of millions of “dead people” may be receiving fraudulent Social Security payments from the government. The table Musk shared on social media over the weekend showed about 20 million people in the Social Security Administration’s database over the age of 100 and with no known death.
But as the agency’s inspector general found in 2023, “almost none” of them were receiving payments; most had died before the advent of electronic records.
These kinds of rudimentary errors are destroying DOGE’s credibility and causing even more to question allowing Musk’s muskrats unfettered access to personal data on Americans.
6. The federal courts are hitting back.
So far, at least 74 lawsuits have been filed by state attorneys general, nonprofits, and unions against the Trump regime. And at least 17 judges — including several appointed by Republicans — already have issued orders blocking or temporarily halting actions by the Trump regime.
The blocking orders include Trump initiatives to restrict birthright citizenship, suspend or cut off domestic and foreign U.S. spending, shrink the federal workforce, oust independent agency heads, and roll back legal protections and medical care for transgender adults and youths.
In other cases, the Trump regime has agreed to a pause to give judges time to rule, another way that legal fights are forcing a slowdown.
7. Demonstrations are on the rise.
We haven’t seen anything like the January 2017 Women’s March, the day after Trump 1.0 began, but over the past weeks, demonstrations have been increasing across the country. Last Monday, on Presidents Day, demonstrators descended upon state capitol buildings.
In Washington, D.C., thousands gathered at the Capitol Reflecting Pool, chanting “Where is Congress?” and urging members of Congress to “Do your job!” despite nearly 40-degree temperatures and 20-mile-per-hour wind gusts.
The nationwide protests are part of the 50501 Movement, which stands for “50 protests. 50 states. 1 movement.” One of its leaders, Potus Black, urged the crowd of protesters in Washington to stand united in order to “uphold the Constitution.”
“To oppose tyranny is to stand behind democracy and remind our elected officials that we, the people, are who they’re elected to serve, not themselves. The events over the past month have been built to exhaust us, to break our wills. But we are the American people. We will not break.”
I expect that in the coming weeks and months protests will grow larger and louder.
I’m hoping that on April 19 — the 250th anniversary of Paul Revere’s Ride, marking the start of our rebellion against monarchy — the nation can rise up to recommit ourselves to democracy and against monarchy (or dictatorship). Churches across America should ring their bells at a set hour on that day, like churches did 250 years ago as an alarm that the British were coming.
Acts of civil disobedience are also on the rise, as are resignations in protest against the regime. This week, former NFL punter Chris Kluwe was hauled out of a Huntington Beach City Council meeting after speaking out against Trump during public comments against plans to include a MAGA reference in the design of a library plaque.
As cheers erupted from the audience, Kluwe told the council, in words that should be repeated across the land:
“MAGA stands for trying to erase trans people from existence. MAGA stands for resegregation and racism. MAGA stands for censorship and book bans. MAGA stands for firing air traffic controllers while planes are crashing. MAGA stands for firing the people overseeing our nuclear arsenal. MAGA stands for firing military veterans and those serving them at the VA, including canceling research on veteran suicide. MAGA stands for cutting funds to education, including for disabled children. MAGA is profoundly corrupt, unmistakably anti-democracy and most importantly, MAGA is explicitly a Nazi movement. You may have replaced a swastika with a red hat, but that is what it is.”
When he was done speaking, Kluwe said he would “engage in the time-honored American tradition of peaceful civil disobedience.”
8. Stock and bond markets are trembling.
Trump has not lowered prices; in fact, inflation is rising under his control.
Trump’s wild talk of 25 percent tariffs is spooking the market. Yesterday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which measures the performance of 30 large-cap U.S. stocks, dropped by more than 1.40 percent.
Treasury bonds also dropped after a report showed more U.S. workers applied for unemployment benefits last week than economists expected — an indication the pace of layoffs could be worsening.
The latest University of Michigan survey finds that consumer sentiment plummeted 10 percent in February, largely due to concerns about Trump’s tariffs. Farmers who voted for Trump are nervous about the impact on their livelihoods.
The Fed won’t lower interest rates. Transcripts of the last Fed meeting showed that officials discussed how Trump’s proposed tariffs and mass deportations of migrants, as well as strong consumer spending, could push inflation higher this year.
Economic storm clouds like these should be troubling for everyone but especially for a regime that measures its success by stock and bond markets.
9. Trump is overreaching — pretending to be “king” and abandoning Ukraine for Putin.
Trump’s threats of annexation, conquest, and “unleashing hell” have been exposed as farcical bluffs — and his displays this week of being “king” and siding with Putin have unleashed a new level of public ridicule.
On Wednesday, following his attempt to kill a new congestion pricing program for Manhattan, Trump wrote on Truth Social: “CONGESTION PRICING IS DEAD. Manhattan, and all of New York, is SAVED. LONG LIVE THE KING!” The White House shared the quote accompanied by a computer-generated image of Trump grinning on a fake Time magazine cover while donning a golden crown.
Negative reaction was swift and overwhelming. Social media has exploded with derision. New York Governor Kathy Hochul said, “We are a nation of laws, not ruled by a king.” Illinois’s Democratic governor, JB Pritzker, said, “My oath is to the Constitution of our state and our nation. We don’t have kings in America, and I won’t bend the knee to one.”
The reaction to Trump’s abandoning Ukraine and siding with Putin has been more devastating, putting congressional Republicans on the defensive. Prominent Republican senators Roger Wicker of Mississippi and John Kennedy of Louisiana criticized Putin. Bill Kristol, a former official in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, noted that “Nato and the US commitment to Europe has kept the European peace for 80 years. It’s foolish and reckless to put that at risk. And for what? To get along with Putin?”
10. The Trump-Vance-Musk “shock and awe” plan is faltering.
In all these ways and for all of these reasons, the regime’s efforts to overwhelm us are failing.
Make no mistake: Trump, Vance, and Musk continue to be an indiscriminate wrecking ball that has already caused major destruction and will continue to weaken and isolate America. But their takeover has been slowed.
Their plan was based on doing so much, so fast that the rest of us would give in to negativity and despair. They want a dictatorship built on hopelessness and fear.
That may have been the case initially, but we can take courage from the green shoots of rebellion now appearing across America and the world.
As several of you have pointed out, successful resistance movements maintain hope and a positive vision of the future, no matter how dark the present.
More than 55 years ago, I participated in the resistance to the Vietnam War — a resistance that ultimately ended the war and caused a once powerful president to resign. That resistance gave us courage we didn’t even know we had. It changed American culture, inspiring songs such as “The Times They Are A Changing,” and “Blowin’ In The Wind.”
No one person led that anti-war movement. It was an amalgam of groups and leaders spanning more than six years of mobilization and organization, at all levels of society.
The Civil Rights Movement that culminated in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 required over 18 years of organizing, demonstrating, and mobilizing.
The current coup is less than five weeks old, and resistance has only begun. The Trump-Vance-Musk regime will fail. Even so, the Democracy Movement now emerging will require at least a decade, if not a generation, to rebuild and strengthen what has been destroyed, and to fix the raging inequalities, injustices, and corruption that led so many to vote for Trump for a second time.
Those of you who want the leaders of the Democratic Party to step up and be heard are right, of course. But political parties do not lead. The anti-war movement and the Civil Rights Movement didn’t depend on the Democratic Party for their successes. They depended on a mass mobilization of all of us who accepted the responsibilities of being American.
We will prevail because we are relearning the basic truth — that we are the leaders we’ve been waiting for.
There are sources of good information out there. Robert Reich is one of them, and so you should check out his substack and consider subscribing.