As a brief reminder of where we stand these days and just how truly deeply weird it has all become, this happened during the past week.
Via NBC News …
Rep. Buck: “Could you charge the president with a crime after he left office?”
Mueller: “Yes.”
Buck: “You believe that you could charge the president of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office?”
Mueller: “Yes.”
What else was weird during the last 7 days?
Rep. Ilhan Omar has a challenger
- This GOP Challenger to Ilhan Omar ‘100%’ Stands with QAnon … “Danielle Stella, a Republican candidate seeking to unseat Rep. Ilhan Omar from the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020, firmly supports the QAnon conspiracy theory”
- (This is very symbolic of the Trump era – replace a sane sensible representative with a delusional nutter).
- Team Trump Wants $2 Million to Celebrate ‘Total Exoneration’ Mueller Did Not Provide
- (A supposed billionaire wants you to send him your $$$ on the basis of a wholly fictitious claim)
- Judicial Watch Gaslights on Mueller Conclusions, Calls Testimony ‘Smear’ of Trump … “In the middle of that rhetorical blast, Fitton says that Mueller had concluded that obstruction of justice charges against the president could not be “credibly sustained.”“
- (As highlighted at the top of this posting, the claim by Judicial Watch is out outright lie. Those guys have exactly zero integrity and demonstrate a capacity for exactly zero honesty)
- Bill Mitchell: Mueller Was a ‘Gray Hat’ Helping Trump Destroy ‘Deep State’
The “Anybody not exactly us is evil” brigade
- Christians Need to Do More to Resist ‘Evil’ Progressives, Prepare for Civil War, Says Robert Maginnis … “began his appearance on yesterday’s episode of The Jim Bakker Show show by remarking that progressives are “evil” and “mentally ill.”“
- (If this guy thinks you are evil, then you are in fact one of the good guys)
Claim: Being a President who is an Immoral shit is just fine …
- God Doesn’t Require Morality in Government Leaders, Says Pro-Trump Prayer Warrior … “Religious Right leaders spent decades telling American Christians about the importance of electing people to public office who met their standards for moral character. When Trump came along, they tossed those standards out the window“
- Contradicting Herself, Christian Says Morality is Now Optional for a President … “Wanda Alger said all presidents had to fear God… until Donald Trump entered the White House.“
What other weird stuff happened?
A great deal. It is the usual stream of intolerance, abuse, and corruption …
- Georgia GOP Lawmaker Used Legal Loophole to Help Molesting Priest Avoid Prison
- Christian Group: God Started Fires Near WI Capitol Because He Hates Abortion
- After Car Accident, Thousands of Stolen Dollars Found in Catholic Priest’s Car
- Boys in a Famous German Catholic Choir Suffered Constant Abuse for Decades
- Pastor Holds Expensive “Spiritual Warfare” Event at “Angelic” Trump Hotel
- AL GOP Senate Candidate: We Must “Put Jesus and God Before Everything Else”
- Tennessee Priest Allegedly Sexually Abused Child and Offered Him to Others
- Anti-LGBTQ TN Lawmaker Was Allegedly Using Grindr to Meet Men; He Just Resigned
- Christian Ministry Posts Video Trashing Preachers Who Promote Social Justice
- New Mexico Woman Steals Food from Sonic Restaurant, Saying “This One’s on God!”
- TN Pastor Refuses to Host Funeral Since Dying Man’s Son is Gay
- After Pastor’s Sex Scandal, Willow Creek’s Leaders Are Running From the Facts
- Former Liberty U. Student Journalist Describes a Culture of Fear and Censorship
- Pastor Accused of Sucking Out “Evil Spirits” with Oral Sex to Face Secular Court
- 27 Kids Removed From Montana Christian Youth Facility After Abuse Allegations
- Greek Orthodox Priest: Gay People Are Caused by Pregnant Women Having Anal Sex
… and not everybody out there will put up with all this BS …
- Christian Hate-Preacher Steven Anderson Has Been Banned from Entering Australia
- Congregation Revolts After VA Baptist Pastor’s “America: Love or Leave It” Sign
- These Catholics Deserve Praise for Protesting Trump’s Cruel Immigration Policies
Those last few items point towards a better future.